4983 Ray Road, Spring Lake, NC 28390
Choose one of ValueBuild Homes's exciting floorplans such as the Judy "A". ValueBuild Homes Will Walk You
Through the Entire Home-Building Process!This beautifully designed one-story floor plan provides 1,075
square feet of living space and has 3 beds/2 baths. The home has an excellent layout with an open floor plan
design. This is NOT a modular home, it is a 100% stick-built home, ready to be constructed on your lot or ours.
We provide numerous options for the interior and exterior such as stone, brick, decking, garage, and more. We
can even customize the layout to fit your needs.The Judy "A" is one possibility, though many other elevation
styles and/or models are available as well. The price includes the lot, estimated on lot finishes/site
work/permits, and the Judy "A" base price.